Please find below some clarifications on questions that local residents may have. If there are other things that you would like to know then please contact either the rally organisers via email ( ) or your Resident Liaison Officer.
What happens if a car has an incident?
Many incidents involving rally cars do not involve any injury to the crew and can be dealt with at the scene by our marshalling crews who are placed at every junction of the route and will be in radio contact with the start and finish of each special stage and Rally Control. More serious incidents may result in all competing cars being stopped using a system of radios and red flags and our medical and recovery crews, which are positioned at the start of each special stage, would be deployed. Each medical crew includes a motorsport trained doctor/ paramedic and fully equipped ambulance. Even if you think you can be of assistance please do not move from your property unless instructed to do so by our personnel.
If the stage is stopped for whatever reason, please do not assume it is safe to leave your property; we will aim to re-start the stage as soon as the incident has been dealt with. Access to and from properties and movement of residents is only permitted as detailed above in the Residents’ Access Process.
What happens if there is an emergency in my property, e.g. medical or fire?
Dial 999. Then, if possible and safe to do so please contact Rally Control to inform them. If emergency vehicles require access to your property, the rally will be stopped. If the emergency is medical, then the rally organisers can decide to deploy the stage medical team for early intervention.
What happens if my property is damaged by a rally car?
The rally has substantial third-party liability insurance in place with specialist motorsport insurers. In the first instance please contact the rally organisers, ideally via email (, with details of any damage. If the damage caused could lead to livestock becoming loose please email Rally Control as soon as possible and relevant action will be taken.
What should I do if a rally car breaks down outside my house?
The event marshals will usually be monitoring progress of every car and will provide assistance to ensure that any broken-down car is parked safely. If you are able and willing to safely provide parking on your property, then the car will be removed by our recovery vehicles (positioned at the start of each stage) as soon as possible once the stage has closed.
Can I watch the rally from my property?
Subject to the overriding priority of safety, we would encourage residents’ family and friends on route to watch the rally from a safe place. You will be permitted to spectate from your property provided the area is safe and these locations will have been pre agreed with PR officers and the Safety Team. Safety Cars will check that residents are in safe positions when they drive through the stages.
Please note that there will be prohibited areas along the route, for example on the outside of bends, and these areas will be clearly marked and may include residential properties. No one is permitted to stand in a prohibited area, and this includes residents on their own property.
Please consult the rally organisers ( for more information on spectating from a safe place on your property.
Will non-residents be able to watch the rally?
Yes, but only from our defined ‘spectator areas’ distributed across three of the special stages. These areas have been selected in agreement with local landowners to allow safe access and observation Points and will be managed by experienced motorsport marshals to ensure that all spectators remain in situ and do not walk onto the special stages whilst the stages are live to competitors. More details are included earlier in this information pack.
What do I do if I see spectators in a marked prohibited area?
Please contact Rally Control using either of the phone numbers on Page 2, or local marshal if it safe to do so. We will then plan for them to move to safe spectator areas. The independent safety crews driving through each stage in advance of the rally cars will assist in moving people on and will not allow the stage to start until it is safe.
I understand the roads will be closed, but can I park my car on an adjoining road and walk to it?
In most circumstances, yes. The closure of the adjoining roads is to allow the organisers to restrict access by the public to the rally special stage, but vehicles with resident passes will be able to park on the side roads provided that access for emergency vehicles is maintained. You will not be able to walk along the special stage while the road is closed. If you can safely walk across fields or footpaths to safely access your vehicle without using the closed road, then this should not be a problem.
I understand that the roads will be closed, but what about public footpaths and bridleways?
All public rights of way are closed at the point where they meet the Special Stage, Red Route. Warning signs will be erected prior to the event and access will be manned during the day by rally safety marshals to ensure nobody has unauthorised access to the rally route.
I have animals or I am concerned about the impact of the rally on wildlife.
If you have a veterinary emergency during the day of the rally, please call your Resident Liaison Officer. The rally organisers have an emergency vet on standby and will arrange for them to attend, either during the residents’ access periods or if necessary, the organisers will suspend the competition and the Prohibited Access status, temporarily to allow access. The Organisers commissioned a Stage 1 habitat survey for sensitive areas adjacent to the rally stages. All recommendations raised in the report have been complied with. An environmental expert will be in attendance on the day immediately prior to the event to assess areas for ground nesting birds and will also be in attendance on the day of the rally to support and assist in the briefing of marshals.
If I am a blue badge holder where should I park if my property is on a section of closed road?
If you usually park directly outside your property but are unable to because of the road closures please contact the rally organisers via email ( or telephone (Sam Spencer – 07740 281223) and we will help to facilitate alternative arrangements.